scrape instagram explore page

How to scrape instagram explore page

Scrape instagram explore page  is the art of balancing legal and ethical considerations and can be performed against Instagram terms of service under which term scraping without permission is not allowed. However, if scraping data from Instagram is strictly required for a valid purpose, then you are allowed to scrape via Instagram’s official API, one method of legal access to certain public information. 

Becoming an Instagram Developer with such access to their API would have to come prior to scraping. Scrape instagram explore page or tools like BeautifulSoup and Selenium would be what developers use when scraping non-API-based information but is technically terms of use wrongdoing here and leaves one vulnerable to threats of harm from potential suspension of account as well as judicial lawsuits. 

It’s always good to operate within the boundaries of what the Instagram API will be able to do so that you’re operating within their limits because you’re receiving the data that you’re requesting. You must be very meticulous when you’re working with your social media data and keep user privacy in mind.

What Instagram’s Terms of Service Is

Such an attempt web scraping data on Instagram will begin by identifying what Instagram’s terms of service is. Scrape or data collection is never supported on Instagram. Scraper unauthorized use leads to ban on accounts, loss of data, or even liability under law. It considers Instagram as having its privacy in tact, and scrapping of private or confidential users is sheer violation of their policy. For not getting yourself into the problem of this kind, topmost priority is that whatever scrapping you are doing has to be compliant with Instagram policies.

scrape instagram explore page

Use of Instagram’s Official API

The safest and moral means of retrieving Instagram data, e.g., the Explore page, is from Instagram’s official API—the Instagram Graph API. It is available for developers who need publicly accessible data access in an open and legal manner. Here is how to do that:

Register Facebook Developer Account: 

Being a Facebook-owned company, you would register your developer account from Facebook’s developers’ portal.

Application Development: 

Once you have successfully activated your account, you can now proceed with the development of an application that is tied to Instagram’s API.

Permission Requests: 

You can make certain requests in accordance with the API in an attempt to gain access to public content like posts, hashtags, and media of your business or your business interest.

Data Collection: 

Harvest public Instagram data like user accounts, media, comments, and hashtags once you have obtained consent. You retain access to private accounts or even some like the Explore page beyond your visibility.

You will be bound by Instagram’s terms of service but might get corresponding data for analysis, app development, or advertising through the Instagram API.

Web Scraping Libraries ;

Web scraping tools such as Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, and Selenium are widely used for web scraping. Using them to web scrape the Instagram Explore page directly is not advisable. Instagram actively defends against unauthorized scraping through a range of defense strategies such as CAPTCHA, IP blocking, and rate limiting. Scraping the Instagram website is also a violation of the terms of use of Instagram.

While technologically equipped to scrape Instagram data, the tool is bedeviled by a very high level of risks, which are as follows:

Suspension of the Account: 

Instagram accounts used for scraping may be suspended.

Legal Problems: 

Unlawfully, scraping can result in legal proceeding against the organizations or entities scraping.

Threats to Privacy of Data: 

Scraping of personal or sensitive data without consent can result in privacy law violation.

It is also the case of why Instagram scraping is not advisable where there is no specific permission given.

scrape instagram explore page

Third-Part Tools and Services

Several third-party services and tools are said to help scrape Instagram data, such as posts on the Explore page. Tools either rely on the Instagram API or the scraping method. Use of these tools is necessary to be done cautiously because the majority of them don’t abide by Instagram terms of service. Be sure to try a third-party service first before using it if it contains:

Legal Authorization:

Run the program under legal terms of Instagram law using the right authorized APIs.


Secure the program so your data is not compromised.


Avoid running the program doing something which is ethically unacceptable like illegal scraping.

Running third-party tools on Instagram policy will also lead to suspension of your account, loss of data, and prosecution.


What is Instagram scraping?

Instagram scraping refers to scraping data from Instagram private or public posts.

Is scraping Instagram illegal?

In fact, illegal scraping of Instagram is against the terms of use of Instagram.

Can I scrape legally?

Utilize the correct Instagram API to download and make use of legally publicly available data.


Instagram scraping, i.e., from the Explore page, is a treasure trove to dig out information about trends and user behavior.All these can be achieved legally and morally through the rightful API of Instagram. Web scraping software and third-party programs are risky and entail account ban, legality problems, and privacy invasion. 

Always stay within Instagram terms of use and never employ unauthorized web scraping methods. Once you obtain the rightful procedure and tools, you can scrape Instagram data legally and morally for business or research activities.

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